Dignified Care
Be a leader that improves the quality of life with technologies for both caregivers and care receivers.
A urination pattern management system that can predict and manage urinary disorders such as urinary incontinence based on a urination monitoring device
With a care management system in the excretion field based on consumer sanitary products and IT convergence technology, we provide the best global service that can improve ADL (Activities of Daily Living), from digital urination logs to artificial intelligence urination training and diaper removal. Hyzera Smart Care System is a system optimized for building smart nursing facilities to expand digital care services. It is a service that combines advanced source technologies that can be widely used in urinary disorder diagnosis, adult urinary incontinence management, and feminine hygiene products, including an automatic urination care robot that can effectively reduce work for caregivers, and by applying artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. It will be developed into a digital care system that leads the 4th Industrial Revolution.
- Care (nursing) robot - automatic urination disposal device
- Smart diaper system
- Web, mobile management service for urination pattern management
- Diaper dermatitis prediction analysis service
- Alternative digital urination log for manual recording
Be a leader that improves the quality of life with technologies for both caregivers and care receivers.
Issues arising from these care sites are shared globally, and we will take the initiative to solve these issues through collective efforts.
Providing efficient healthcare service with big data and artificial intelligence. Ubiquitous management possible through the IoT system.
With our customer's trust as a foundation we will create a new paradigm for sustainable medical and health care industry through innovative techinical development.
We have developed various outstanding and original services based on our urniation / defecation analysis algorithm which was created with our 3 years time on the care site analyzing real-time urinary information.
( ※ Absorbency measured by International standard Test Method (ISO 11948-1) )
Manufacturer: HygeraNetworks Co. ltd
LCD display : operating status and various indications | 4.5 Inch color
Control buttons : Manual, Emergency, Auto, Weight
handle : handle for movement
Urination box open button :urinary bladder replacement
Deodorizing filter : Applicable to 2 locations, inside and outside
Suction tube : 1~3m Production possible
5 types of suction pads planned : 2 types of diapers | Silicone, ABS type 2 types|Other type 1|Type classification according to gende
SIZE : 280mm(w) x 300mm(h) x 230mm(t)
Outer Pants
Waist Size : 71~113cm(28~44in)
Size : 63 x 83cm
Absorbency : 2,200ml
Packaging: 20 pcs per pack, 5 packs per BOX
Outer Pants
Waist Size : 85~130cm(33~50in)
Size : 73 x 90cm
Absorbency : 2,400ml
Packaging: 20 pcs per pack, 5 packs per BOX
Inner Pads
Size : 24 x 54cm
Absorbency : 1,051ml
Packaging: 30 pcs per pack, 8 packs per BOX
Inner Pads
Size : 32 x 62cm
Absorbency : 1,380ml
Packaging: 30 pcs per pack, 8 packs per BOX
Inner Pads
Size : 30 x 73cm
Absorbency : 2,020ml
Packaging: 20 pcs per pack, 8 packs per BOX
Manufacturer: HygeraNetworks Co. ltd
Main function: Wireless transmission of urinary detection information
Transmission method: NB-IoT
IP rating: IPx6
Battery type: Lithium Polymer (rechargeable)
Transmission distance: depends on the service provider
Full charge time: 3 hrs maximum
Usage time per charge : 7 days
Charging method : Micro USB 5 pin
Product size : 60mm(w) x 40mm(h) x 17.7mm(t)
Optional Equipment
Allows real-time urinary information notification and remote care during continence training through the training program.
Optional Equipment
In case the hospital or group facilities require caring for multiple patients, customized and individualized care is possible through real-time monitoring of patients' urinary status.
HYGERA SMART DOLBOM SYSTEM is the most reliable program for care providers to help patients discontinue the use of diapers with efficient continence training through our Smart Continence training program. Additionally, we provide the nursing home facility with automatic, well-organized continence training plan and digital urinary records, thus making it more convenient for the care providers.
AI continence training
Automated entry of patient-specific excretion information from Smart Diaper (Urination time, urination amount)
- Check urination pattern analysis information for a week
- Input continence training plan developed through urination time, meals intake, overnight urination pattern
- Preparing urination situation beforehand by executing continence training plan
- Input carried out information to tablet/pc.
Input training status progress and doctor's opinion and decision
Seven-day activity review
Management and Statistics Program
Improving the quality of care in difficult and complex care environments with IoT technology.
It is a solution that
can satisfy both caregivers and patients.
Urination/defecation information detected by the sensors printed on SMART DOLBOM products is sent in real-time to the customer's smartphone or computer through wireless communication terminals used in SMART DOLBOM products
Operating Cases (oo nursing hospital)
- Urination count vs Diaper change -
Correctly recognize urination in real-time and notify to change diaper at appropriate urination amount
- Diaper replacement comparison between nursing home A and B -
Anticipated Effect
Contact us for more information on products, agents, partnerships and cooperation.